Hi, I'm having an issue with a Ubuntu 11.04 server that won't boot up completely. It discovers a couple of USB devices (keyboard and mouse). Then seems to time-out and re-discovers the same 2 USB devices. Any ideas on how to debug this? I tried disabling USB from BIOS (HP DL 360 g7) but then no keyboard so it wouldn't boot from the Ubuntu menu ;( Also, the hard drive is encrypted and I don't know how to boot up on a USB stick, mount the luks files to edit them and possibly black-list the USB devices to see if I can get it to boot. Anyone know how to do this?
Use this tutorial to make the USB bootable. I am aware of such situation and I have solved it before as follows. 1 Created 12.04 USB boot 2 after USB booting install crypsetup 3 Mount the encrypted harddisk as where xvdc will be your internal hardisk and xxxx will be your password/passphrase of encrypted harddisk. then further you can mount the harddisk manually with any drive or it is also mounted in /media/some_long_name of the hard-disk.