Hello everybody, I've setup my server according to this tutorial and everything works. I've utilized LetsEncrypt SSLs for few of my sites and now I'd like to optimize the server with nginx which will serve static files for some of my sites but let Apache handle .php files. I've searched the forum for the answer/suggestion and found this guide, and generaly it works (at least on http). What I wanted to know is, how to extend it so https is supported also? As far as I understand, ISPConfig automatically downloads/installs/updates LE SSLs for known (handeled via ISPConfig) sites, but in order to have nginx be aware of the certificate, I have to manually create nginx vhost file and give it the correct path to SSL certs. So here are my questions Are downloaded/upgraded certs for specific site always saved to a same location? If yes, where? Is theree any naming conventon how they're named? Do I need to disable automatic redirections for Apache sites in ISPConfig so they're not redirected from http -> https and leave them on http only? Is there another (better) way achieving what I want? Thanks for your help