Ubuntu 7.04 sound.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by mrwasabi, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. mrwasabi

    mrwasabi New Member

    Hello guys,
    I've finally got my feisty install working the way I like except for my sound. I have sound and it works fine but I would like to get better sound. I have the SB Audigy LS card installed, is there a way to get tone control? I've used the Amarok EQ to try and make things sound a bit better but it only goes so far. I've read many posts on the Creative forums and it appears that they are not going to release drivers for linux anytime soon due to the fact that they are having to completely rewrite their drivers for Vista.....lmao!! Oh well guess I got out at the right time huh. Anyway, It would be nice to have total control of my audigy card such as EAX, EQ, and so forth, but I'll settle for tone control right now. Thanks in advance guys.


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