Ubuntu 8.10 - ISPConfig 2.2.29 [SOLVED]

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by cimran, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. cimran

    cimran New Member

    Hello there,

    Hope this helps some one...

    Last night I have installed Ubuntu 8.10 server from :
    and followed up every instruction and when I tried to install ISPConfig 2.2.29 from http://www.ispconfig.org/manual_installation.htm

    I encountered problems couple of times as it says chmod cannot access ./install.php

    what I did was while generating certificates I was just entering . for all values and it fails then I read in the forums to unzip tar file in /var I also did that but no success then FINALLY

    I did run the install from /root/ispconfig_install/ and filled almost every value for certificate generation and then BINGO !

    All set and running

    Thanks falco ! and other members for such a nice tutorial, and other posts on this forums.


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