Ubuntu 9.04 (Intrepid) JeOS with LVM Hangs on Boot, Checking Quotas...

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by doughold, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. doughold

    doughold New Member

    I have been trying to get a KVM server with Ubuntu 9.04 JeOS going and I followed the how to here and it all went smoothly. I set up my installation using LVM and then went to use quotas with ISPConfig and when I reboot my JeOS install now it just sits on "Checking Quotas..." with the host OS pegged at 100% cpu. When I first set up quotas it threw a warning, but went through with the initialization so I thought it all went fine. Other people had the same message and it looked like they were not affected. Any thoughts as to why this is hanging up and how to resolve it? I would really like to use LVM for my virtual machine because of HDD I/O with ISPConfig. Thanks.
  2. doughold

    doughold New Member

    Jumped the gun

    I guess I jumped the gun b/c I am in such a rush to get this server live. I waited about an hour and it ended up booting up. I guess it just had to go through and do an initial config b/c it reboots right quick now. Some more specs in case someone else runs across this:

    2xQuad Core 5401 2.33GHZ
    16GB RAM
    6x146GB SAS Drives
    Configured in Raid-6
    Disks are in LVM

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