
Discussion in 'Technical' started by tommytomato, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. tommytomato

    tommytomato New Member

    Hey all

    Wonder if any one can help

    I use Ubuntu 9.04 with CrossOver, I've installed Dreamweaver MX OK, but no matter what I tried I cant get it to make a database connection because I get Access denied Huh

    I've created the database, added a user and password to the database in question.

    another fault is when testing the URL for localhost, I get Access to Z:\var\www\temp.html was denied

    I have apache2 installed so the path would be /var/www

    this allso happens when using Wine

    Any one at all know any thing about it, I cant seem too find much using google, I've read alot to NO fix sofar


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