Ubuntu Dapper Drake with MySQL4 and Apache2/PHP4

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Nap, Nov 13, 2006.

  1. Nap

    Nap Member


    I'm fairly new to Linux, but through using Falko's Debian Sarge setup guide, I've been able to get my LAMP server running with ISPConfig.

    I've decided to install Ubuntu Drapper on my machine that is currently running Debian because the Debian MySQL version (4.0.24) is too old for my requirments and wish to use packages rather than custom compiled binaries. My version requirements are based on the setup of my Website (courtesy of a commercial hosting company).

    I have read a number of the great HOW TO's available however, none seem to do quite what I'm looking for. (I always seem to be the square peg when all the holes are round.)

    I plan to follow the The Perfect Setup - Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Server (Dapper Drake) guide most of the way. But when I get to the part which installs MySQL5 and PHP5, I intend to install MySQL4 and PHP4 instead.

    My main area of uncertainty has to do with package names, library dependancies and versions, since I am new to Linux. I need help with the apt-get install commandline to install MySQL4 and Apache2/PHP4 properly. I've seen a variety of commandlines in the HOW TOs but don't know which one I can use in my situation.

    Can someone please help?
    Can I follow that above guide as I indicated without getting myself into trouble?
    Can I get a link to a suitable apt-get install commandline for MySQL4 and Apache2/PHP4 that will work how I would like it to?

  2. Nap

    Nap Member

    I've been looking at different install guides, but I can't seem to get the hang of which libraries are required in which cases. (If anyone has a reference I can read, that would be nice since it seems to me that there is no method behind it.)

    For example: The line below will install MySQL5 on Unbunto according to Falko's The Perfect Setup - Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Server (Dapper Drake):
    apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient12-dev
    But when I look at Ubunto's website the line below will install MySQL4:
    mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php4-mysql
    I don't get it.

    Can someone please advise the commandlines I need to use to install MySQL 4.1 and PHP4 while following Falko's The Perfect Setup - Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Server (Dapper Drake)?


    PS.. Is there some sort of configuration tool out where you can specify the core modules (and perhaps optional extras) you want and in turn give you a commandline to use?
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    apt resolves all dependencies automatically. Why did you not just use php5 / mysql5 as mentioned in the howto?
  4. Nap

    Nap Member

    My Web Site, hosted by a commercial company uses PHP 4.4.4.
    If I do any development work in PHP5, there is a risk that it won't work on my site.

  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can search for the required packages like this:
    apt-cache search php4
    apt-cache search mysql
    If you find suitable packages, you can intstall them with
    apt-get install [I]packagename[/I]
  6. Nap

    Nap Member


    Thanks for your reply, but.
    When I used:
    apt-cache search mysql
    I have about 4 (or more) pages of packages.
    Do I install all of them?

    With PHP4, I only get 2 pages.
    Do I install all of them?

    I just re-installed ISPConfig (as per Till's last advice 2 me), and after tweaking some of my phpBB forum config data, was able to get my forum to fire up. I have finally achieved what I set out to do 3 months ago. (Though I would ideally like to have the same versions running as my web hosting provider.)

    Being a PC user/programmer for a long time, I've learned along the way that versions do matter. So, being new to Linux, and my Website (commercially hosted) having certain versions of Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc installed, I naturally wanted to match their specification (considering all the applications they use are Open Source). From my point of view, it made sense, since I would be more certain that something I developed on my develpment server would work on my website (and I would need to make minimal changes to code between the dev machine and the production machine).

    I finally went head-2-head with Linux because of a need I had. Had I not had this need, I would have remained in my comfortable M$ world.

    My experience with the Linux community has been mixed, and have come across many people who, rather than answer my questions, ask why I am asking the question, which, in turn, caused some lively debate on more than one occasion.
    One example was when I asked about how to enable root account on Ubuntu (in the Ubunto Forum), instead of answering my question, I got a bunch of people preaching to me about how dangerous it was to do that. (My PC, My problem.) I've had similar occasions in the Debian Forum.

    I got really frustrated with this paternalistic attitude in the Debian and Ubuntu communities. I didn't join the forums to make friends or enemies. It was to get/give help when I/someone needed it.

    I have found this forum to be quite different. I really appreciate all the effort you guys have been putting in to help others in the community, I don't know if it's your job or you're doing it in your spare time. Whatever the case is, I take my hat off to all of your (Falko, Till, Hans, etc.) assistance.

    However, no matter how many people you help, please, never forget that not all of us are experts, not all of us are beginners, and some of us have our reasons for wanting to do things a little different.

  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the exact output?

    What's the exact output?

    HowtoForge is becoming a 24h job for Till and me... :eek:
  8. Nap

    Nap Member


    thnx again for your assistance, again.

    As I currently have Debian installed, the apt-cache search command will obviously look at Debian packages, not Ubuntu.
    I was hoping to get the MySQL 4 and Apache2/PHP4 commandlines before I started the Ubuntu install, so that it would go smoothly.

    In the meantime, Till's advice about re-installing ISPConfig, after my MySQL update, has fixed the problem I was having with my Debian install. In fact, I am now able to run a mirror of my phpBB forum and Joomla on my server. This being the case, I'm satisfied with where I have gotten.

    At this point, I will stay with Debian since I have a lot of work to catch up on. It's taken 3 months to setup the server, and I didn't expect it to take so long.

    Do you still want me to give the output for the Debian apt-cache search? It is quite long.

  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, as Debian has packages for PHP4 and MySQL4/4.1 only, but not for PHP5/MySQL5.

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