Ubuntu LTS / PRO - ESM updates.

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Paul Hill, Aug 5, 2023.

  1. Paul Hill

    Paul Hill Member HowtoForge Supporter

    We are running a fairly new(ish) built server with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as per the perfect-server guides.

    After updating today, I noticed that running these upgrades reported that there are more security updates available with Ubuntu Pro with 'ESM-APPS' enabled. Looking through the available updates there is roundcube, roundcube-mysql, roundcube-core and a few others.

    Any tips on keeping these updated without having to subscribe to the 10 year Pro service from Ubuntu? There are now 2300 packages available in the LTS repo and 23,000 packages in the Pro.


    I found the following: You can have up to 5 free machines with an account:

    UPDATE2: (more important)
    Fellow on Reddit has confirmed that these updates are updates by the Ubuntu Security team, not the official security updates from the vendors themselves. If ESM is not enabled, we still have the exact same support as we had before.
    For clarity: this isn't a roadblock being put on an existing support stream, it's a new support stream. Previously Ubuntu didn't provide security patches for "Universe" repo packages (instead relying on upstream patches to happen when they happen). The Ubuntu security team are now producing in-house security patches for these packages, but only where Pro has been opted into (which is free for personal use).

    If you don't want to opt in to Pro you still have the same level of support you had before (and the same level of support that you have with 99% of other distros).​
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2023
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