Ubuntu Perfect Server setup

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by WayneW, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. WayneW

    WayneW New Member

    I am currently running Ubuntu 7.10 and the prefect server configuration by falko.

    I have not installed any control panel type software as of yet, (such as ISPConfig, Webmin or other) and i am hoping i wont have to.

    I am howerver trying to install eGroupWare with this setup, but am failing miserably in doing so.

    I downloaded the necessary pacakge(s) from egroupwares site, since i have seen where there is trouble using apt-get to install them. I downloaded everything in my docroot, and if i point my browser to the right address, the egroupware directory is there along with webilizer, and apache default. When i click the link, i get a page full of php code. Not a running program, just the text of the code. The same happens when i go to http://my.site.tld/egroupware/setup as per the installation instructions.

    Did i miss something?
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2008
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    In the Perfect Setup, there's a section where PHP gets disabled globally. This is needed by ISPConfig. If you don't use ISPConfig, please undo that section.

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