Ubuntu Server 10.04 with VMWare Server2

Discussion in 'Technical' started by bboy8012, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. bboy8012

    bboy8012 New Member

    My main server is ubuntu 10.04 with vmware server 2, apache2, and webmin installed. I have 2 virtual servers running one ubutnu 10.04 and ipsc3 (production) and the other ubuntu 10.10 and ispcp Omega (Test) that are going to be hostings my sites. How do i route all port 80 request say to my virtual server instead of my actual server? Right now if I were to goto one of my sites, it gives me the default page of apache actual server, instead of the default page of one of my virtual machines.
  2. bboy8012

    bboy8012 New Member

    Any help? Thanks

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