Ubuntu Server 9.10

Discussion in 'Technical' started by pacart, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. pacart

    pacart New Member

    I am very new to using Linux systems, But so far I have managed.
    I have installed Ubuntu server 9.10 at home for personal use.It is up and running and I have successfully installed ISPConfig 3, That is all ok.
    I can access the site on the web browser and receive the WELCOME TO YOUR WEBSITE MESSAGE.( A Good Sign)

    My problem is I don't know how to access my web folders to install my site files.I am sure it is easy.
    Is it possible to use a FTP program like FILEZILLA.

    Could someone point me in the right direction?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can use a tool like WinSCP ( http://winscp.net/ ). Your files must go into the directory /var/www.

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