Ubuntu with ISPConfig behind Windows 2003

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Lars van der Made, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. Lars van der Made

    Lars van der Made New Member

    Strange question,

    On our worklocation we get an IP (one!!) address from a firewall/router from the owner of this building. He has set all the ports required bij ISPConfig to go to our IP address.. BUT, we have also an Windows 2003 server on it that acts as local DHCP server...


    The World >> Router of the Building >> Our HUB (with Windows Server on 1 port, Ubuntu Server with ISPconfig on 1 port, and all the rest of the computers on the other ports)....

    When I'm in the console, i HAVE an internet connection, but i want to know for sure the server is setup correctly. For example, do I have to put the server in the same localdomain as the Windows server?!?

    What IP Addresses do I have to enter?!? The ones that are in range of the Windows Server?!

    For example, Windows server is: server.localdomain.local
    Does the Linux box have to be: ubuntu.localdomain.local ???

    Or can i take a domainname i have: ubuntu.outterdomainname.nl

    Please help me out... At home i'm already using ISPConfig, but this situation is a little bit confusing for me......

    Thanks in advance for you answer!

    Lars van der Made
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Hi Lars,

    you may use any domain name for the ISPConfig server that you like. But you should make sure that this domain points with its IP to the ISPConfig server. You may choose any free IP address, if your Win 2003 server runs a dhcp daemon then the IP address of the ISPConfig server should not be within this range of IP addresses, but it must be within your network mask.
  3. Lars van der Made

    Lars van der Made New Member

    Dear Till,

    Thank you for the answer!

    So when the range is like <-> i CAN pick the static IP (for example?)...

    But, the rest of the settings, like gateway network etc, does that have to be the one of the Windows server, or from the Builings router?!

    I think I have to do the following:

    192.168.x.111 (out of windows range)
    192.168.x.254 (gateway windows server)
    255.255.x.0 (netmask of the windows server)
    192.168.x.255 (broadway?)
    192.168.x.0 (network)

    These are all the same of normal client from a windows machine inside the local network, except the IP of the machine itselve?!?!)

    Thank you@!

  4. Lars van der Made

    Lars van der Made New Member

    Can anybody confirm or disagree my above message?!?
    I'm struggling with it... Think I understand Till's answer, but want to know for sure....

    Thank you !!
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, unless it is already in use by another system in your LAN.

    If these settings work for a Windows system, they will work for your Linux system as well. :)

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