hello to everyone, it's my first time on SSL site with ISPConfig, and I would try with the Let's Encrypt certificate. I've checked SSL and Let's encrypt button in my general tab on site page. I've also set data on SSL page where SSL Key, Certificate Request, and SSL certificate are populated so I think that all is ok... But when I try to access the site with https, I receive connection closed error. The server is behind a firewall, but I've checked and https is allowed. if I try access control panel (https on 8080) I receive the error message of self-signed authority but it's ok... What could I check? How I can check if the certificate generated was correctly generated by let's encrypt. Thanks in advance to anyone who help me... and sorry for my bad english... Bye Ambro
If you use Let's Encrypt, DO NOT enter the SSL Key, Certificate Request, and SSL certificate. use only one of them, not both at the same time. Let's Enrypt usually works right away, provided you have up-to-date Linux and certbot. And new ISPConfig. https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/lets-encrypt-error-faq.74179/
I intend to propose to not showing any field for SSL if Let's Encrypt SSL button is checked together with SSL button later once I finished drafting dns validation.
I have not enter any data, ISPConfig generate and populate the page. Thanks for the link, I've fixed, the problem was certbot not updated and the "Skip Let's Encrypt check" not checked. Can I check in any way if the renwal script is correctly set? Thanks in advance, Ambro