unable to install ISPConfig

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by aberrio, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. aberrio

    aberrio New Member

    Hi, unable to install ISPConfig, download latter version, getting this error.

    Sun Sep 2 04:56:43 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - installation directory: /tmp/install_ispconfig
    Sun Sep 2 04:56:43 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - operating system: SuSE 10.2
    Sun Sep 2 04:56:46 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - Neuinstallation eines ISPConfig-Systems. / Installation of a new ISPConfig system. / Installation d'ISPConfig sur un nouveau système.
    Sun Sep 2 04:56:51 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - selected language: en
    Sun Sep 2 04:56:54 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - installation note accepted
    Sun Sep 2 04:56:56 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - licence accepted
    Sun Sep 2 04:56:58 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - installation mode: expert
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:08 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - mail: postfix
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:08 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - dist_mail=postfix ##
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:10 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - dist_mail_log=/var/log/mail ##
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:12 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - dist_mail_virtusertable=/etc/postfix/virtusertable ##
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:14 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - dist_mail_local_host_names=/etc/postfix/local-host-names ##
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:16 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - ftp: proftpd
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:16 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - dist_ftp=proftpd ##
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:18 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - dist_ftp_conf=/etc/proftpd.conf ##
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:19 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - dist_ftp_version=standalone ##
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:19 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - dist_ftp_log=/var/log/xferlog ##
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:19 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - procmail found: /usr/bin/procmail
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:19 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - quota found: /usr/bin/quota
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:20 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - mysql found: /usr/bin/mysql
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:20 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - openssl found: /usr/bin/openssl
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:20 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - named found: /usr/sbin/named
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:20 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - iptables found: /usr/sbin/iptables
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:20 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - httpd found: /usr/sbin/httpd
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:20 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - httpd syntax ok!
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:45 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - dist_path_httpd_root=/srv/www/htdocs ##
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:45 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - gcc found: /usr/bin/gcc
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:45 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - make found: /usr/bin/make
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:45 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - flex found: /usr/bin/lex
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:45 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - g++ found: /usr/bin/g++
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:49 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - Directory /var/www/sharedip created.
    Sun Sep 2 04:57:49 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - Use sharedip_index.html_en as SharedIP default page.
    Sun Sep 2 05:22:42 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - WARNING: could not unpack ISPConfig system
    Sun Sep 2 05:22:42 CDT 2007 - [ISPConfig] - ERROR: The PHP binary coming with ISPConfig does not work properly on your system! The installation routine stops here!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please post errors from the compile output that you got on the screen. the errors are not logged to the logfile.
  3. torqhost

    torqhost New Member

    Did you follow the instructions from perfect suse setup 10.2? Because it seems you didn't have. I installed 2 systems (Suse 10.2) yesterday following that manual and it worked fine.
  4. tkd1987

    tkd1987 New Member

    Hi guys,
    i have the same problem, and i followed http://howtoforge.net/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.04_p6 100%

    i have searched several times to resolove the matter, i thought maybe it could be because spam assassin isnt installed as that shows an error, but i am unable to install that too!

    I have been trying to resolve this for a few hours now, any help will be mch appreciate!

  5. tkd1987

    tkd1987 New Member

    ok well i have managed to install those two missing attributes.

    aswell as spamassassin and clamav.
    will bring an update if all is successful!!

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