Unable to load SQL-Dump into database table.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by NeoNomad, Mar 10, 2023.

  1. NeoNomad

    NeoNomad New Member

    Hey sup guys,

    i actually setting up a multiserver setup from the multi server setup tutorial for debian 10/11 on ubuntu 22.04. I cant link it, so here is the broken link:
    howtoforge.com /ispconfig-autoinstall-debian-ubuntu/

    But while setting up the web server after pressing enter on:
    MySQL master server database name [dbispconfig]:
    I get the following errors:
    ERROR: Unable to load SQL-Dump into database table.
    [INFO] Adding PHP version(s) to ISPConfig.
    [ERROR] Exception occured: ISPConfigOSException -> Could not read ISPConfig settings file. (/ispconfig.ai.php:15)
    What i've tested:
    • I use the exact auto installer which is posted within the tutorial
    • I've set on the panel server as requested by the guide the root passwords for the external connects from the other servers
    • The mysql root password i've set is the same as the root password that ispconfig gave me for panel server (just letters and chars, just for a testing system - later on productive i will gave them all a own password)
    • I'm able to connect from webserver to panelserver with: mysql -u root -h panel.domain.tld -p
    • Before i started, the servers were fresly installed and only got a apt update/apt upgrade and reboot cause there where a new kernel
  2. NeoNomad

    NeoNomad New Member

    Got it - had a typo while copy/paste the mysql root password.
    ahrasis likes this.

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