Hello ! I have the same issue as described here : http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33854 https://www.example.com/stats/ login prompt appear user : admin password : the one I have defined in the "Statistics" tab of the site no explicit errors, just the login prompt that definitly arise and unable to enter the stats. I haven't Squid installed in the server so I don't know where to look. I have checked all the log files that could record the login errors, but it looks like it is not logged somewhere. any idea what is wrong ? Regards Philippe
Have you looked into the /stats/ directory of the web? Something in there? The errors should be located in the error.log of the web /var/www/clients/clientX/webY/log/error.log
thanks for the reply Croydon, in the stats directory there is the .htaccess file and the .htpasswd_stats that contain the user admin and it's password. In fact there is nothing logged in /var/www/clients/clientX/webY/log/error.log then I tried to login with http and not https and it works ! How can I login in https mode ? Regards Philippe
Is https working in the site, e.g. do you see the corect website content when you browse the site by https?