I'm setting the primary server in a multiserver Ispconfig 3 on centos 6.6 vps, on my first try the sites-available & sites-enabled folder & ispconfig.conf & ispconfig.conf under the httpd were not created. I uninstall the ispconfig using the uninstall.php. Now I cannot reinstall the ISPCONFIG with expert mode, I keep getting "ERROR: Unable to load SQL-Dump into database table" and the ispconfig mysql user is not created. Please help
ISPConfig has no file with the name ispconfig.conf. Regarding your reinstall problem, delete the dbispconfig database and ispconfig mysql user manually.
Thanks for your reply, I deleted both dbispconfig database and ispconfig mysql user, but I'm still getting the same error. I noticed that the mysql user ispconfig is not created by the install program, though I can create manually in phpmyadmin
Ensure that there is no user ispconfig and no database dbispconfig on your server and that you restart mysql after you removed them. then ensure that you use the mysql user " root" to install ispconfig when the installer asks you for the root username and password. Using a different user that jas less priveliges will cause the install to fail.
Thanks! Thanks!! It worked, I was able to reinstall ispconfig . However, this file /etc/httpd/conf/sites-available/ispconfig. vhost is missing from the new ispconfig server, although I indicated to install the ispconfig web interface during install.