UNable to see IspCOnfig3 login or phpmyadmin login after apache2 update

Discussion in 'General' started by eddie-prefere, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. eddie-prefere

    eddie-prefere New Member

    the apache2.2.22 upgrade installed suPHP which caused all aegir sites to not display, and caused the login pages for ispCOnfig3, squirrelmail, etc not to display. The fix was to remove suPHP.

    Now, however I am seeing, in the ISPConfig3 admin interface, a very different "look", such as:

    monitor_title_iptables_txt (monitor_settings_server_txt : server1.domain.com)


    at the top of the page when I check IP Tables log. Is this because I am now using ob_gzhandler instead of zlib compression? (I had to edit the php.ini files to resolve this conflict/error after doing the latest squeeze / wheezy update (sid)?
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2012
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you have a screenshot?
  3. eddie-prefere

    eddie-prefere New Member

    Problem fixed with removal of SuPHP

    Thank you for responding - the text display / formatting problem also went away after logging in and out a few times - now that text is no longer displaying at the top of the ISPConfig3 admin pages.

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