Hi Users, I am using ispconfig since last 5-6 months for hosting couple of websites. Lets say example1.com & exampled2.com both hosted on same cloud server. I moved example2.com to IIS on my home server, I deleted example1.com domain, DNS, mailboxes from ispconfig panel. Now i am trying to send mail from example1.com to exmapled2.com. it shows below error SMTP Error (550): Failed to add recipient "user1@example1" (5.1.1 <user2@example2>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table). I have commented below line in main.cf #smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender = no Still I am not able to send mails.
My first guess is that you didn't delete the mail domain, as it's not in the list of things you deleted. That's why I asked:
yes, I did from ispconfig web admin panel. I deleted domain, DNS & its associated mailboxes also. i think some of its files are still in mail cache.
To be clear, when you say you deleted the domain, you mean from Email > Domain, not Client > Domains? What do you see from Code: postmap -q example2.com mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_domains.cf
out put if that command is domain name which i deleted. Code: user@server:~$ sudo postmap -q example2.com mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_domains.cf example2.com
If you go in the admin panel to "Email". Then the domain is neither listed in "Domains", nor in "Domain Alias"? If so, then you can go to "Tools" -> "Resync" and choose "Maildomains" -> "Start". After the changes are done, execute the command from #6 again
domain is not listed in Domains & Domain Alias. I did Resync but still after performing command I get the domain name in output.
You have a single server, not a multi-server installation? What is in your /etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_domains.cf? (don't include the password) What do you get from "grep -E 'db_|dbmaster_' /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/config.inc.php" ? (again, don't post the passwords, but do they match the other?)