First I would like to THANK everyone for their time and sharing of information. Running Fedora 8 with ISPConfig V 2.2.32, SquirrellMail, ColdFusion 8 and My IP address is pointing to Ns1.domainname & NS2.domainname (DNS Quick Check show that all records are configured correctly). It appears everything is working correctly with all the above. Nameservers and primary domainname have the same name. Have Server Certificate that was generated at time I installed ISPConf. I wish to test SSL before purchasing a Certificate. Would appreciate referrals on where is best to purchase SSL Certificates. Question: How do I get a site to run under SSL and can the site run under both secure and non-secure (I tried placing some files within the SSL folder within the web space of the primary domain and that didn't work). The SSL folder within that web space has only the .NO_DELETE file. What I would like to try first is having a site run under the normally http and when someone wishes to purchase a product run under the https for check out. Can someone provide steps for this? After understanding these steps I would like to know how to implement into other client web accounts. I have read many of the posts within this forum, however things are not clear for me at this time, I truly wish to learn, not be lead, but a few hepfull tips would be appreciated.
There has already been a how to written here is the link tony
Appreciate the response from Afandino, but what I'm looking for is how to enable SSL within my web space only at the time someone goes to check out from my cart. I thought that would be done by placing the secure area in the SSL folder within that web space. To explain further they could visit my site (http) view products and select items, when they begin to enter personal information that would be (https).
Just enable the SSL checkbox in the ispconfig site settings, then go to the ssl tab of the website, enter the details for the ssl cert, select create as action and click on save. Then you can visit your site with http and https.
Thanks Till, I think this is where the problem is, when I check the SSL box and click save it states "An SSL certificate does already exist for this IP." Should I change the IP address under DNS Manager Tab under the line Domain (SOA), IP Address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, currently that IP address is the IP of my NS1 & NS2 records, should I change it to the IP address the server is at behind my router?
You can only have one SSL cert per IP address, so ther must be another website on your server with the same IP were you have enabled the SSL checkbox. Disable the checkbox in the other website and you will be able to add an ssl cert to the new site or you will have to add more IP addresses to your server. This has all nothing to do wiith dns or the dns manager.
I know this is a stupid question, My server IP is, this is the IP behind the router, do I just add an IP like or must I reconfigure the server and add additional IP addresses that come in before the router. No other sites have SSL enabled. The incoming IP to the router I configured to point to the server opening the ports on the router. That IP address is and it has a server certificate.
Thanks for the help I changed the IP on the site to the IP of the Server behind the router and was able to add SSL for that site. I assume I will need to add additional IP's for additional SSL sites. Special thanks to Till