Unix Linux server questions

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by mmisiak, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. mmisiak

    mmisiak New Member

    Hello, I just signed up with Howtoforge. A while back In time, I used to do most of my development in SCO Unix, and then things changed and due to market shifts I switched to Windows, which I have been with until now. Now I acquired a hosting center where I have a few servers and clients. Somehow I got hit by phishing virus, which I did not expect in Linux, to which I am still sort of new his time around in my life. Without writing a bad novel, I want to format and install a new Linux server so that I can replace my infected one. Can anyone help me with what I want to do? I don’t know which version to install, I was thinking to install CentOS 5.6, Any othen suggestions that anyone may have as to what is a good server for email, currently I use Plesk to manage the whole admin of the tools. Until I got hit by some hacker, I am hosting about 50 clients’ web sites and email. Where do I find out information on how to move my data (web sites and email) over to the new server I set up and make it work. I totally forgot how to perform file manipulations to transfer those files. By the way, these files are clients’ web sites and email data. If anyone can please help with ideas and the right direction. Any tutorials would be helpful and I will look up the rest.

    Many thanks, Mark
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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