updatation of hosts file in windows xp

Discussion in 'Technical' started by mikdadhussain, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. mikdadhussain

    mikdadhussain New Member

    Dear All.
    . I need a kind piece of help from your side.
    Actually, the situation is that i want to make some DNS Entries updation on my windows client (running windows XP) through a Linux server, that's running NMS at the current time. I want that when the XP client accesses the NMS Web page, the "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" file should automatically updated with some DNS information that i want to put in it. Can some body kindly guide me through some script or some other method for this.

    Thanks and Regards.
    Shoaib Akbar.
  2. antinouskalisto

    antinouskalisto New Member


    @echo off
    cd c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\
    wget --no-check-certificate https://www.railunlimited.com/up-banned-hosts.zip
    unzip up-banned-hosts.zip
    del up-banned-hosts.zip
    move /Y up-banned-hosts.txt hosts
    You will need wget for windows and unzip for windows, in the C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder or add it to your %PATH% somewhere.

    Create a hosts file using the one from the XP default file. Zip it up. Upload to webserver.

    You can have the system automaticlly update your hosts list like this...


    @echo off
    SCHTASKS /Create /SC WEEKLY /TN RegularlyUpdateBannedHosts /TR c:\WINDOWS\system32\up-banned-hosts-update.bat /RU Administrator /RP password
    SCHTASKS /Create /SC ONLOGON /TN OnLogonUpdateBannedHosts /TR c:\WINDOWS\system32\up-banned-hosts-update.bat /RU Administrator /RP password
    copy up-banned-hosts-update.bat %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32
    For more SCHTASKS examples, http://www.ss64.com/nt/schtasks.html

    I hope you enjoy this, I wrote it just a few days a go. :D

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