Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by digacreat, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. digacreat

    digacreat New Member

    Hello there,
    I try to migrate but it was found that I had an older version of ISPConfig.
    during migration include errors with Mysql.

    Currently I have ISPConfig version and update propose and New Version:
    therefore we believe that the pheasants update of ISPConfig in the old server I could do my migration.

    Here are the questions I ask myself:
    "The update ispconfig deletes files and folders already created on the server?"
    "After the update ispconfig there will he a bug via Mysql?"

    I hope to have a good answer because I am a can in trouble.
  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Answer is no, when you do proper update method then ISPConfig don't delete files/folders.

    No there is no bug after update.

    To update ISPConfig follow this link method.

    Or manually you can upgrade as


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