Update mail box quota on Main template Defined by Admin

Discussion in 'General' started by federico, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. federico

    federico New Member

    we have a production system based on CentOS 5.3 on which we have a distributed SPConfig architecture.
    We have defined a Main Template for client limits with "unlimited" mailbox quota.
    Using this template we have defined several clients that manage about 100 mail domains on which it has been created about 5000 mailboxes.

    The question is :if we set a new value of "mailbox quota" in the main template definition, will this value propagate to the clients already use the template, to their maildomains and finally to already created mailboxes?

    If no, how can i change about 5000 mailbox quota without to go in the mailbox's properties via Hosting Control Panel?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. It will only get applied if you change a client or create a new one.

    You might have to write a script for it that uses the datalogUpdate function from the ispconfig mysql class to modify the settings in the database. Do not try to modify them directly in mysql as this will not change the users on the slave servers.
  3. federico

    federico New Member

    Hi Till,

    thanks for reply.

    From the first part of your answer I understand that if I change the mailbox quota from the "client limits", the new value will get applied also to the already created mailboxes.
    Is it correct?


  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This will get applied when you edit the mailbox the next time.

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