Updating a howto (2)

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by eliufoo, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. eliufoo

    eliufoo New Member

    Hi guys,

    I used the following how to "How To Configure ISP Mail Server With Virtual Users/Domain On Centos 4.5 Using Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, TLS/SSL" contributed by Babarsaleem to configure my mail server. Like some tutorials online, it lucked some points and was out of date. Apart from that, it was a great tutorial.

    I recompiled the tutorial and brought it up date and added more information.

    How can I post the updated tutorial?
    Do I need to get permission from the original author or the forum administrator?
    Can I send the one I have the administrator to approve before posting it?

    Note: The updated howto acknowledge the original author (Babarsaleem) and states this is an update.

  2. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Hi Elly,

    I've added a (1) and (2) to the titles as this makes things a bit easer for us admins (it looked like a double post to us).

    You will need to wait for a reply from till or falko to your "update" question.
  3. eliufoo

    eliufoo New Member

    Thanks edge,

    It is a double post. Please delete one.

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff


    can you email your version to me? ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com
  5. eliufoo

    eliufoo New Member

    Hi Falko,

    I have sent the email.

    Sender: Eliufoo Mahinda
    Subject: Updated Tutorial

    The tutorial is in .doc format.


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