Updating CentOS

Discussion in 'General' started by davestyle, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. davestyle

    davestyle New Member

    Hey guys,

    I've got a fully functional ISPconfig 3.0.1 on my new fresh CentOS 5.2 32bit install.
    Is it safe for my to update the server as usual, i.e. "yum update" or will this brake ISPconfig?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Updating the server should not break your server. In case that you encounter a problem after a update you can run a ispconfig update and let the ispconfig installer reconfigure your system.
  3. davestyle

    davestyle New Member

    Ah that makes sense.
    Is there a way to do like a force reconfigure or something? Because at the moment when I run it all I get is "There are no updates available for ISPConfig 3.0.1"
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Download the tar.gz file of ispconfig 3 from ispconfig.org and then run the update.php script in the install folder.
  5. davestyle

    davestyle New Member

    Brilliant. Loving version 3.
    Thanks a lot dude

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