Updating clamav on Fedora 8

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by frosig, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. frosig

    frosig New Member


    I have followed the guide [Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier And MySQL] for some time ago, and now I would like to update Clamav, but I cannot find any rpm for version 0.93.x for Fedora 8.

    I have the following clamav packages installed at the moment:


    I would like to solve my problem by installing clamav from source, but I am not sure if my mail server will break, if I do that. Can I just remove all clamav packages installed and run a default build of clamav or do I need to make some changes to the configuration to get it to run with my server?


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    To be honest, I'd wait until rpm packages for 0.93 are released...
  3. nidhintomson

    nidhintomson New Member

    Hi Frosig

    I am using clamav 0.93.1 with qmail. You can uninstal clamav using rpm -e and install using the source package. you can get it from www.clamav.net

    The main thing you have to take care is before uninstalling remember to stop clamav service.

    then uninstall using rpm -e command.

    download clamav to /usr/local/
    unzip it

    compile it. you should get the config file at /usr/local/etc//clamd.conf

    (it depends on where u set it to. mine is like this)

    vi /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf

    "Example" - should already be commented out. However, if it is not, make sure that it is commented out (#)
    "LogFile" - should be set to /var/log/clamav/clamd.log
    "LogTime" - should be uncommmented.
    "LogSyslog" - should be uncommented.
    "User" - should be set to qscand
    "ScanMail" - should be uncommented.

    Now create the qscand user that ClamAV will run as. This user is really for qmail-scanner, which will be installed on the next step, but we'll go ahead and create it now so that we can start the ClamAV daemon...

    useradd -c "Qmail-Scanner Account" -s /bin/false qscand

    Alright, now start Clamd...

    /usr/local/sbin/clamd stop

    /usr/local/sbin/clamd start

    Update ur virus defenitions by running

    /usr/bin/freshclam -l /var/log/clamav/clam-update.log

    Looking forward to hear from you

    Thanks and regards
    Nidhin Tomson

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