Updating PHP version reverts to default

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Matthew J, Sep 14, 2023.

  1. Matthew J

    Matthew J New Member

    Hi Guys,
    I've encountered and error with ISPconfig when updating a site from the default PHP version to another version.
    When revisiting the website entry t in ISPconfig I note the version has reverted to default and my site will return a 503 error as the default version is deprecated.
    Hoping for some clarity.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Were you logged in as admin when doing this? If not, then it might be that the administrator of the server has set this website to be protected which disallows changes of the PHP version. So if you are not the administrator of the server and you were not logged in as admin user, then contact the admin of that system.
  3. Matthew J

    Matthew J New Member

    Hi Till
    Thank you for your prompt feedback.
    Yes I was logged in as admin.
    To further elaborate the error presents as follows:
    -> Update PHP version to 8.1
    -> Confirming the update via phpinfo file
    -> At any given time a return the website settings in ISP config not even changing the PHP settings i.e prehaps just looking at the backups section
    -> The site will then immediately return 503
    -> I can bring the site back by reupdating the PHP version to 8.1 ( I note at this time the PHP version is set back to default)
    Hope this might abit more detail, thank you for your help.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which ISPConfig version do you use and which operating system? Have you manually altered any ISPConfig code?
  5. Matthew J

    Matthew J New Member

    Hi Till,
    My version is ISPConfig 3.1.15p3.
    I have 4 sub-servers link to my primary instance but the primary server runs Ubuntu 20.
    No manual alterations to my knowledge, this a server setup that was hand over to me.
  6. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    ahrasis likes this.
  7. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Last edited: Sep 15, 2023
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The ISPConfig version you use is several years old, the system has probably not been updated since its initial installation. You should consider updating the systems. But always take care to make backups first as you have not set up the systems yourself and who knows if the original admin tweaked things in the code or made an unusual setup that is not update safe.

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