Upgrade FC10 to FC11

Discussion in 'Technical' started by sammd006, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. sammd006

    sammd006 New Member


    Hope I am posting this thread in the right section...

    Currently I have Fedora Core 10 running and was wondering if it is safe to upgrade to Fedora Core 11.

    My concerns are that when I upgrade will I lose all my configuration once I am running FC11?

    I never did this so I do not know about the outcome...

    Your opinion and help would be appriciated!

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Normally there's nothing to say against an update, but personally, I'm having lots of problems with Fedora 11 where lots of things don't work that worked on Fedora 10 (therefore the lack of Fedora 11 howtos here...). So I think I wouldn't update. Question is what do you do then because some day, your system will be outdated... :(
  3. sammd006

    sammd006 New Member

    I really am confused on what to do although for now I think I will stick with Fedora Core 10 since there are still updates going on... Afterwards I will consider upgrading...

    I will keep you posted on my outcome mate!!

    Thanks alot for your help as always Falko!!


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