Hi, Today i have updated my ISPconfig2 server using the ubuntu way to update a system After that the ispconfig system broke down. I have downgrade the php5.3 installation to php5.2 but the ispconfig service stil failed to start. After that i have tried to run an update of a new version but this update failed. Now when i try to update using ISPConfig-2.2.37.tar.gz i think i need a new installation. Al websites are working for know but i really would like to fix the ispconfig2 installation. Second question when wil ipv6 be supported because i would like to have ipv6 support
First, you should restore your previously working ISPConfig from the backups in the /tmp folder. Then, before you update to 2.2.37, take a look at chapter 22 on http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-ispconfig-2-p7
As php 5.2 is out of support, why did you downgrade? @Falko / Till: Will ispconfig2 work with the php 5.3 branch?
Is ISPConfig2 still in support? If so would'nt it make sense to ship 5.3x in the next release, as 5.2 is out of support and thus a more or less security issue for the hostingserver.