Hi there, I have an installation based on ubuntu. i need to upgrade Apache to 2.2.4 There is not .deb files so I must compile it from the sources. My question is: Which is the right procedure for do this task? I must uninstall previous Apache installlation? or can I compile it over the old one? This procedure will screwup my ISPConfig installation or not? Then... I need install Symfony framework on my server, I need to do any special task on ISPConfig or I just install it trought pear?. Thanks in advance, Taguapire.
First a short question, why do you need to update apache to 2.2.4. I'am not aware of any application that needs explicitely this version.
I think the best would be to install the Apache2 source package: Code: apt-get source apache2 and rebuild it with Apache 2.2.4.
Which build string do you recomend me for Apache2? What about symfony? I need any aditional configuration on ISPConfig??? Best Regards, Taguapire.
I did the apt-get source apache2 but it downloaded version 2.2.3-3, how I must proceed for compile wih 2.2.4? Thanks in advance, Taguapire.
Replace the 2.2.3-3 with the 2.2.4 sources. You might have to modify a few scripts in the /usr/src directory as well. Afterwards, you can run Code: dpkg-buildpackage from the Apache src directory to build the new package.
Must I uninstall the installed Apache version? or Can I do it without clean first?. Regards and thank you again. Taguapire.