Upgrading or Changing Distros

Discussion in 'General' started by AlericB, May 2, 2007.

  1. AlericB

    AlericB New Member

    I’m currently running ISPConfig on Fedora Core 4, and since the Fedora Legacy Project is no more, I’ve got a server in need of updates. Also, since the Fedora Legacy project is no more, running Fedora has lost much of its appeal. We’ve been moving a few of our servers over to CentOS due to long term support, and I’m wondering if I could have a successful upgrade to CentOS 5, or if I should just stick to Fedora for upgrading the OS. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Most Probably,
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I don't think that upgrading a Fedora system to CentOS will work. You can try, but you should make a full backup of the system before.
  3. AlericB

    AlericB New Member

    Thanks, I'll probably stick to Fedora until I have another server to migrate the sites on to. How well does ISPConfig survive upgrades like that? I'll probably go from FC4 to FC6.

    Most Probably,
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    *Should* work without problems, but I'd make a backup because it's a rather big jump.

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