Uploading Websites

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by asem34, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. asem34

    asem34 New Member

    I am a ISPconfig newbie and I think that after a reasonable time, I managed to have a stable and complete setup in my new Fedora Core 6.

    Now, the only issue remaining is UPLOADING entire websites (two) that I have in other machines.

    The domains are all setup with working mail (xxx.com and yyy.com)

    Can I do that with FTP..how?... What directories should I have as web root directories?.

    Sorry, probably this question is all aover the place.. if to much to explain, cna you direct me to such "Howtos"?

  2. estokwa

    estokwa New Member

    i have the same situation before, i have two servers running one for ispconfig and the other one for my websites and i decided to move all the websites to my ispconfig server. i do this steps and i don't know if this is the right thing. btw i am using joomla for my websites.

    1. make a websites on your ispconfig. the directory for this is var/www/webX/web, X is number ispconfig assign for your site ie web1, web2.
    2. once you are done with #1, copy the website folder on your old web server as well as your database (var/lib/mysql)
    3. paste it to your ispconfig folder, must have the same rights and privileges as before. also paste your database to the new server also check for the rights and privileges.

    goodluck and have fun! :)
  3. asem34

    asem34 New Member

    Virtual Servers in ISPconfig


    There must be an easier way. ISPconfig is supposed to be used by "Customers", Isn´t it?

  4. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Uploading via FTP client

    Just do it via FTP with the (mail)useraccount you've created within ISPConfig and overwrite or delete the default index.html page. The mailuser with administrator rights should be used for uploading your site, because then your site is visible at URL http://www.yoursite.com.

    If you upload your site with a non administrator (mail)useraccount, the site will be visible at URL http://www.yoursite.com/~loginname

    FTP URL: yourdomain
    Web folder: /web
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Entire websites are always uploaded with a FTP program and not a webFTP interface. You can use e.g. smartFTP or ws_ftl LE for windows. Or you use the FTP client that is integrated in HTML authoring packages like Dreamwaever or Frontpage.

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