I found a very interesting tool to check your website uptime currently I get notifications by email Google Talks + SMS level is easy I made this tutorial to help my friends on how to create a uptime monitoring service for FREE and show your users how your site is doing! You will need some things setup first: Part A. An UptimeRobot Account: http://uptimerobot.com/ Part B. The following files: https://github.com/digibart/upscuits Part A: 1. Get a free account form UptimeRobot 2. Setup a Monitor and start by using either Ping or HTTP/S. 3. Then go to "My Settings" at the top if you aren't already there. 4. Scroll down to the bottom and setup a API (NOT the main API just), it will be labeled: "Monitor-Specific API Keys" 5. Setup a API Key then go to Part B Part B: 1. Download the files from github 2. Extract the file and go to the public/js and rename Code: config.example.js to Code: config.js 3. Open the file config.js and edit the API Key to match your API key 4. Zip up the whole public folder and upload to your site and then again extract 5. Done! You can also edit the HTML page if you like, but it is just very nice to leave a developers name there! (I am not the developer) Example http://upscuits.pixelbakkerij.nl/
another form with Php code Code: <?php echo "<table><tr><th>Monitor Name</th><th>Status</th><th>Total Uptime</th></tr>"; $apiKey = "PASTE YOUR API CODE HERE"; $url = "http://api.uptimerobot.com/getMonitors?apiKey=" . $apiKey . "&format=xml"; $xml = file_get_contents($url); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement ($xml); foreach($xml->monitor as $monitor) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo $monitor['friendlyname']; echo "</td><td>"; if ($monitor['status'] == 2) { echo "Online"; } elseif ($monitor['status'] == 9) { echo "Offline"; } else { echo "Not Available"; } echo "</td><td>"; if ($monitor['alltimeuptimeratio'] > 95) { echo "<b style=\"color:green;\">" . $monitor['alltimeuptimeratio'] . "%</b></td></tr>"; } else { echo "<b style=\"color:red;\">" . $monitor['alltimeuptimeratio'] . "%</b></td></tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; ?> result This will output something like this: Monitor Name | Status | Total Uptime Server 1 | Online | 99.97% Server 2 | Offline | 94.91%
http://status.ramnode.com/ With this script you can do something like this It shouldn't be difficult, you don't even need uptimerobot to create this script with PHP You need an IP block, then it passes it to the arrays of each IP and pings with PHP every IP every 5, if an IP is inactive with PHP, you can configure it by mailing it shows all the results with a loop