urgent ispconfig 2 will not install on Debian 5.0.5 Hello, i have just installed debian 5 (from perfect setup) from scratch and tried to install ispconfig2. I got this message : ERROR: Ihr Betriebssystem wird nicht unterst�tzt! / Your operating system is n ot t supported! / Votre systeme d'exploitation n'est pas support�! Can i copy the entries of 5.0.4 to 5.0.5 in dist.txt ? : dist_init_scripts=/etc/init.d ## # debian504 dist_runlevel=/etc ## # debian504 dist_smrsh=/etc/mail/smrsh ## # debian504 dist_shells=/etc/shells ## # debian504 dist_http_user=www-data ## # debian504 dist_http_group=www-data ## # debian504 dist_bind_init_script=bind9 ## # debian504 dist_bind_user=bind ## # debian504 dist_bind_group=bind ## # debian504 dist_bind_conf=/etc/bind/named.conf ## # debian504 dist_bind_dir=/etc/bind ## # debian504 dist_bind_pidfile=/var/run/bind/run/named.pid ## # debian504 dist_bind_hintfile=db.root ## # debian504 dist_bind_localfile=db.local ## # debian504 dist_passwd=/etc/passwd ## # debian504 dist_shadow=/etc/shadow ## # debian504 dist_group=/etc/group ## # debian504 dist_cron_daemon=cron ## # debian504 dist_cron_tab=/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root ## # debian504 dist_mysql_group=mysql ## # debian504 dist_httpd_daemon=apache2 ## # debian504 add : dist_init_scripts=/etc/init.d ## # debian505 dist_runlevel=/etc ## # debian505 dist_smrsh=/etc/mail/smrsh ## # debian505 dist_shells=/etc/shells ## # debian505 dist_http_user=www-data ## # debian505 dist_http_group=www-data ## # debian505 dist_bind_init_script=bind9 ## # debian505 dist_bind_user=bind ## # debian505 dist_bind_group=bind ## # debian505 dist_bind_conf=/etc/bind/named.conf ## # debian505 dist_bind_dir=/etc/bind ## # debian505 dist_bind_pidfile=/var/run/bind/run/named.pid ## # debian505 dist_bind_hintfile=db.root ## # debian505 dist_bind_localfile=db.local ## # debian505 dist_passwd=/etc/passwd ## # debian505 dist_shadow=/etc/shadow ## # debian505 dist_group=/etc/group ## # debian505 dist_cron_daemon=cron ## # debian505 dist_cron_tab=/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root ## # debian505 dist_mysql_group=mysql ## # debian505 dist_httpd_daemon=apache2 ## # debian505 Thank you for your replies !
Have you tried to change version number in /etc/debian_version and than try to install ispconfig2. It should work, after the install change the version number to original 5.0.5
Hi damir, thanks for your reply. It sounds logical, as long as nothing else that asks it will run for that time. I am not sure if Till or Falco are around... I would like to see their reply as well. Regards
ok i decided to go with Falko's approach. It looked ok but since i did not install quota (don't need) installation fails : ########## QUOTA ########## Checking for package quota... ERROR: quota not found! Do i just run ? apt-get install quota and no further configuration ? Just to find the package ? Thank you very much Edit: Actually i did it. Completed the setup and everything looks fine. Hopefully it will not affect anything. Thanks