Urgent: Restore Database Users Grant Permissions

Discussion in 'General' started by vaio1, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. vaio1

    vaio1 Member

    Hi Till and Falko,

    How can I restore all the permissions on the MySQL Server starting from the old db_ispconfig database? Is there a script?

    I have followed the Backup procedure at http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2717 and you forgot an important thing: the MySQL database!!
    I have forgotten the database with the name "mysql" and now all my customers cannot access to the database resource.

    To solve this problem I have granted the permissions manually with this simple query:

    Log in as root in the mysql client and execute this command:
    grant all on web9db1.* to 'web9u1'@'localhost' identified by 'thepassword';

    IspConfig doesn't maintain the users, db and passwords that the users create in the ISPConfig Control Panel!!
    I have spent all the night to solve this problem... manually!

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2009
  2. Mark_NL

    Mark_NL Member

    checkout the table: ispconfig.isp_isp_datenbank

    all login data is there ..

    mysql -p <ispconfigdb> -e"UPDATE <ispconfigdb>.isp_isp_datenbank SET status = 'u' WHERE status = '';"
    /root/ispconfig/php/php -q /root/ispconfig/scripts/writeconf.php
    Note: when doing these things, ALWAYS backup your database first (ispconfigdb and mysqldb)
  3. vaio1

    vaio1 Member

    Thanks for your reply!

    Does this query update the Grant Permissions on the mysql database?
    mysql -p <ispconfigdb> -e"UPDATE <ispconfigdb>.isp_isp_datenbank SET status = 'u' WHERE status = '';"
  4. Mark_NL

    Mark_NL Member

    mysql -p <ispconfigdb> -e"UPDATE <ispconfigdb>.isp_isp_datenbank SET status = 'u' WHERE status = '';"

    This query will update the field "status" in the isp_isp_datenbank and set it to "u" (for update) where it's empty.

    /root/ispconfig/php/php -q /root/ispconfig/scripts/writeconf.php

    This script will rewrite all the user config files.

    I use this method on the isp_isp_user table when i change a template config, then run the script and all user configs are according to my new template config.

    Haven't tried it on a the databank table yet, but looking at uninstall.php it seems to work the same, in there (uninstall.php) they set all those status fields in the tables to "d" (mostlikely for delete ;)) and then run the writeconf.php file.

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