url displays wrong web site

Discussion in 'General' started by Ron Dupas, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Ron Dupas

    Ron Dupas New Member

    Hello, and sorry if this is in the wrong thread, or not the sort of question I should be asking to HowtoForge. When searching for the description of the problem this seemed to be the most relevant source of advice.

    When I enter "Coast Hearing Services", a business in Oregon, in the url field of Internet Explorer (or any other browser), a page for "coasthearingservices.com" is displayed in Japanese. If I use a search engine like Google, the same thing occurs, but in addition, the correct phone number and location for Coast Hearing Services is shown by Google. Looking at the properties of the external links in the Japanese page, (not wanting to click on them), one shows "http://mc-law-shimabara.com/" and another shows "http://www.rakuten.co.jp/jinohsui/". Godaddy.com shows coasthearingservices.com as an available url.

    Any ideas what I ought to tell the folks at Coast Hearing when I go there for an appointment? Or where else I should go with this situation for advice?
  2. Weiweidu

    Weiweidu New Member

    There may be a stupid adware on your browser which causes this redirect problem. Go to check if there are any suspicious plug-ins. If there are, remove or disable them
  3. ntclick

    ntclick Banned

    I think because of the web browser plugins your
  4. fcmanutd18788

    fcmanutd18788 New Member

    i have a same trouble. thank for helping.
  5. Nilpo

    Nilpo Member HowtoForge Supporter

    There are several things that could be happening here. You could have a spyware on your machine that is "browser hijacking" causing you to be directed to the wrong website when visiting their page.

    The website could also be hacked and serving a redirect.

    Finally, you could be seeing what's known as "DNS hijacking" where domains are simply pointed to the wrong place.

    Since the domain works now, I can't tell you which one was happening.

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