Hello, Is it possible, or even any guide for us to have Apache Traffic Server (Apache caching evironment) on ISPConfig 3? I find this is a very good move to reduce server load, speed up process time, etc. Previously, I installed NGINX and combined it with Microcaching. The website runs at very good speed, low load on server, etc. Unfortunately, using NGINX on ISPConfig breaks everything. I no longer can access Phpmyadmin, no web traffic stats etc. So, I decided to use Apache again and tried to find similar thing like Microcaching. I can't find any guides on how to set up Apache Traffic Server for Apache. Can anyone give any hints or guide for this? Thanks
You mean an nginx reverse proxy in front of apache? Yes, thats possible. You can find the ispconfig plugin for that here: https://github.com/Rackster/ispconfig3-nginx-reverse-proxy
There is no module for this reverse proxy, but you can use nginx as reverse proxy for the same purpose, see the plugin that i posted above. Or you use a pure nginx server, the issues that you mentioned in your post dont appeear on any of my ispconfig nginx servers, phpmyadmin works fine, stats works fine as well. Just follow the ispconfig nginx perfect server guide to install your server to ensure that all functions are working. As you can read in the perfect srerver guides, phpmyadmin on nginx is on port 8081 by default, so you might just have used a wrong port to acces it. If you want to access phpmyadmin on port 80, then all you have to do is to copy the phpmyadmin nginx directives into the nginx directives field of the website as described in the perfect server guide.
Can you confirm that Stats is working on NGINX configuration? On one of your posts, I saw you posted that AWSTATS is not supported in NGINX type of server. My AWSTATS files is generated on stats folder but it always shows 404 error even the file is there or even when accessing the file directly.
Yep, I guess that was an old post. Anyway and somehow the server shows AWSTATS page. Any recommendation on how to edit the cron via ISPConfig panel?
Which cron? The one that creates the files in the stats folder? Thats the ispconfig main cronjob, you cant edit that, it runs each day in the early morning hours and does various daily tasks.
Yes, that one. I need AWStats to run more frequent. Once a day is inadequate for me. I have run it manually via root and guess what, no changes were made, the date of AWStats page was changed, but it is showing yesterday's data.
Yes, off course. The script is made to be run once a day, running it more frequest will just mess up your traffic data and backups.
Well it doesn't have to be "Piwik" alike. Twice a day of traffic update will be sufficient, as I do this on my other server (4 times a day the stats is updated) using other panel. But, I like ISPConfig more. Not like that. The script was run at 00.30 UTC on 15th June. Then I run it on 16th June at 22.30 UTC manually. Surprisingly, no changes on the data. Should it updated?
The script ahs to be run once a day by the cronjob at 0:30 (or at least in the morning hours). Running it manually at a different time or running it twice will just mess up the traffic data and backup and will not generate new statistics.