Hello... Id it possible to only use SFTP for file transfer rather than FTP or FTPS, vi the ispconfig control panel? ofcourse this person would have access only to his website. Thanks..
SFTP is not FTP, it is SSH. So if you don't want to allow FTP, then set FTP users limit to 0 in client limits. But I don't see any benefits here by allowing SSH instead of using FTPS. If you just don't want to allow FTP without encryption, then you can configure that globally in pure-ftpd.
Hey Till, ya i know sftp is ssh, but ok, as i want to enforce only encrypted connections... i will check out the pureftp enforcing, thanks
So i am forcing pure-ftpd to be encrypted by having these lines in /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf: TLS 2 TLSCipherSuite HIGH CertFile /etc/ssl/private/pure-ftpd.pem The cert file exists in that dir However i can still connect with filezilla even if i set it to use "Only use plain FTP" Ideas? of course i restart pure-ftpd service...
The service is named pure-ftpd-mysql and not pure-ftpd if I remember correctly. And to enable TLS only, use this (its an old guide for Debian Lenny but should be the same in Ubuntu till now).
eh, sorry: https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-configure-pureftpd-to-accept-tls-sessions-on-debian-lenny