use php5 in a different directory

Discussion in 'Technical' started by D-32, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. D-32

    D-32 New Member

    i installed php5 and some other stuff, it workt fine in /var/www/
    but id like to use /home/$user/ for my server.
    so i changed the apache config, and it works fine, but php5 doent work on this folder, how can I change this?
    Hope somebody can help me ;)

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Which distribution do you use? Can you post your vhost configuration?
  3. D-32

    D-32 New Member

    doesn't matter anymore, a friend helped me, i had something set up wrong..
    thanks for your help anyway ;)

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