"Use your ISP's mail relay"

Discussion in 'General' started by mnott, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. mnott

    mnott New Member

    Hi all,

    we get emails rejected using the ISPConfig appliance. The mails returned read like:

    Reporting-MTA: dns; mnsoft.org
    X-Postfix-Queue-ID: ECBFB4DD0B7
    Arrival-Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 17:01:28 +0100 (CET)

    Final-Recipient: rfc822; xxx.x.hu
    Original-Recipient: rfc822;xxx.x.hu
    Action: failed
    Status: 4.7.1
    Remote-MTA: dns; mx.t-online.hu
    Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 421 4.7.1
    <p50449f77.dip0.t-ipconnect.de[]>: Client host rejected:
    Please use your ISP's mail relay for sending e-mails (see
    http://cgi.t-online.hu/bra02/mxtest.cgi?err=ISPMRLY for details)

    Final-Recipient: rfc822; [email protected]
    Original-Recipient: rfc822;[email protected]
    Action: failed
    Status: 4.7.1
    Remote-MTA: dns; mx.t-online.hu
    Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 421 4.7.1
    <p50449f77.dip0.t-ipconnect.de[]>: Client host rejected:
    Please use your ISP's mail relay for sending e-mails (see
    http://cgi.t-online.hu/bra02/mxtest.cgi?err=ISPMRLY for details)

    What can we do? We have a static IP address (german telecom).
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please make sure that the telekom as set a reverse dns record for your IP that matches the hostname of your server.
  3. mnott

    mnott New Member

    Is it likely they'll do that?

    The guys who gave us the fix IP address don't even know what we're talking about here...

    Do you know of a service that they have?


  4. Antennipasi

    Antennipasi Member

    If really not, then you should consider switching to different service provider. Hope this is nott Telekom Austria TA AG whom you are talking about...

    Mails from your system is rejected simply because your ip-address does not resolve to your hostname when queried back. Situation is very common with infected windows-systems sending thousands bulk mails. Because of this, many ISP's (like us) are impletenting rules preventing connection to their mailservers from computers that does not have correct reverse-dns-setup.

    You have 3 choises:
    1. make your current provider understand what you want.
    2. if they dont get it, change provider to prevent current and future problems
    3. configure your Ispconfig to use relayhost.

    Can't much help you with 2 first ones, but number 3 goes like this:

    Edit /etc/postfix/main.cf, and add or edit this line:
    relayhost = your.providers.mailserver.tld
    restart postfix.

    after configuration change, all mails generated in your Ispconfig are sent to your providers mailserver, and it should send them to where they was supposed to go. "Should" because if they dont know what reverse-dns is, most likely that server is also misconfigured...
  5. PermaNoob

    PermaNoob Member

    Could it be port 25 is blocked by your isp?

    That happened to me--I had to change to 2525 to use my server's e-mail.
  6. Antennipasi

    Antennipasi Member

    no, mnott's problem has nothing to do with blocked ports.
    but you could get some problems if your server is now sending from unofficial port. increasing number of service providers are tightening their mailservers by implementing rules that prevent mails from misconfigured servers.
    you should also consider to use relayhost.

    or, if your servers outgoig port is not blocked, but your DSL-provider blocks your access to it, make server to listen 25 and also smtps and/or submission port so you can connect and server can still send your mails from 25. take a look for these threads:

  7. PermaNoob

    PermaNoob Member

    OK, thanks for the tips Antennipasi.
  8. Michael Borth

    Michael Borth New Member

    I have the same problem and I have searched the net for a possible solution and I have not found one. what will I do? Please help me.. My mail is so important in the line of work I'm in.
  9. Mark_NL

    Mark_NL Member

    As Antennipasi stated, alot of ISP's will not allow you to use a different mailserver then theirs to send out email, they simply block it.

    You should configure postfix to use your ISP's mailserver as relay server.

    relayhost = your.providers.mailserver.tld

    restart postfix

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