Heloo, it is possibilities to save result of client cronjob into file? Example. is user interface cronjob is this command http://www.somewhere.here/something.do so it is generated into crontask as Code: /usr/bin/wget -q -O /dev/null 'http://www.somewhere.here/something.do' >/dev/null 2>&1 so i wish that result of this long running query will be saved as file for example at user webpage home.. Code: /usr/bin/wget -q -O /dev/null 'http://www.somewhere.here/something.do' > /var/www/somwhere.here/cron.log It is for script debugging i dont see its result if my script failed :-/ Is there any possibilities to configure redirect using webadmin? So i can hardcode it into crontab that is manual task.
Please take a look at the manpage of wget for the commandline options, e.g. "-O /dev/null" writes all output to /dev/null