Hello ISPConfig mates, I encountered some kind of bizarre behaviour on my server: some users form (let's say) webX use cvs on the same server. I've created a user group cvsusers and added all users created with ISPConfig to this user group with YAST (SUSE 9.3) The weird thing is that every time I create a new user or change some properties of the existing user through ISPConfig web page all the users I've added to cvsusers group are kicked out of this group and I have to add them again. Is it normal? Can I do something to prevent this behaviour? Thanks in advance!
Hi falko, here is /etc/group Code: root:x:0: bin:x:1:daemon daemon:x:2: sys:x:3: tty:x:5: disk:x:6: lp:x:7: www:x:8: kmem:x:9: wheel:x:10: mail:x:12: news:x:13: uucp:x:14: shadow:x:15: dialout:x:16:buser,cvs,web6_anonftp audio:x:17: floppy:x:19: cdrom:x:20: console:x:21: utmp:x:22: at:!:25: public:x:32: video:x:33:buser,cvs,web6_anonftp games:x:40: xok:x:41: trusted:x:42: modem:x:43: named:!:44: ftp:x:49: postfix:!:51: maildrop:!:59: man:x:62: sshd:!:65: ntadmin:!:71: messagebus:!:101: haldaemon:!:102: mysql:!:103: vscan:!:104: nobody:x:65533: nogroup:x:65534:nobody users:x:100:user1,user2....., userXX cvsuser:x:1000:user1, user5, user7 admispconfig:x:1001:admispconfig web6:x:10006:admispconfig,user1 web6_anonftp:!:12006: