'User Exists' issue

Discussion in 'General' started by smartcall, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. smartcall

    smartcall New Member

    Hello again!

    One more thing I noticed yesterday. I created new user and assigned an email addres to him. Then I assigned login and password.
    Turned out that this same login existed already. I got the error message, but nevertheless the new user received the activation email with other users' login and was able to login to his account.
    Luckily the person with both user accounts was the same. He just wanted to create another site for somebody else and gave me another name, but same email address.
    Then I changed the new users' login and he received the new activation email.

    I can imagine that this could be a big concern. Especially if one uses the remoting framefork to create accounts.

    P.S. This is with the latest stable ISPConfig.
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Does the user already exists within one of your recycle bins?
    Did you set a userprefix within ISPConfig for your usernames or not?
  3. smartcall

    smartcall New Member

    User does not exist in either of recycle bins. I have the default prefix.
    And I don't mean the webN_user. I mean the username that one uses to log into ISPConfig.

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