Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Jose Gosalbez, Jun 10, 2006.

  1. Jose Gosalbez

    Jose Gosalbez New Member

    I have a MYSQL database with many users and passwords... I have inserted all in the ISPConfig with a php SCRIPT. Works fine.

    My insert script is a PHP Code based in the examples of ISP FRAMEWORK ADDON. Works fine but doesnt enable the SPAM DISCARD option for users.

    After, I was created a Update Script for enable this options and others, but the scripts runs a few updates and stop and show the following message:

    Error: Client: Status field is not empty.

    If I wait a few seconds, and try again the error is shown but the ID for the user is bigger.

    Each time the scripts update 10 or 15 users. But I have more than 1000 users...


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This means that the status field in the table isp_isp_user isn't empty. Most probably you have a "u" in it because the user is currently being updated. You might have to wait a little bit until the update is over.

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