User rights question.

Discussion in 'General' started by naruto, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. naruto

    naruto New Member

    Hello. Wonderful job. I'm just amazed.

    I've installed Ispconfig and everything is working as expected.

    I just found something that I don't know if it should work that way or not. So, just before playing with your files I want to know it it is a normal behaviour.

    This is what i've created to show this issue:
    Host server:       
              IspConfig users: 
                       Admin: -> admin
                            Client: client_dom1
                            Site: Site 1.
                             *****users: dom1_us1; dom1_us2
                       Reseller -> res
                             Client: client_dom2
                             Site: Site 2.
    	             *****2 users: dom2_us1; dom2_us2
    Results on users login for isp users:
    On host server:
    expected access: ALL
    Real access: ALL​
    On Site 1
    expected access: admin, client_dom1
    Real access: ALL​
    On Site 2
    expected access: admin, res, client_dom1
    Real access: ALL​

    Results on users login for system users (same with ftp):
    expected access: only users on server page.
    real access: ALL users including those from others sites.​
    expected access: only users of this domain dom1_us1, dom1_us2
    real access: ALL users including those from others sites.​
    expected access: only users of this domain dom2_us1, dom2_us2
    real access: ALL users including those from others sites.​

    Although it shows the right content after login, is really weird to find someone from domain 2 making a correct access (to ftp or webmail)
    from the interfaces of domain 1.

    Once again, is it normal? or just a problem of my configuration.
    Thanks a lot.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That is normal. The ISPConfig interface listens on port 81 on all IP addresses of your server. The access is restricted on the user password combinations.
  3. naruto

    naruto New Member


    Thanks for your answer Till.
    I tried to add some fields to database to restrict access also on website domain, but to do it a needed to modify general scripts (Insert database functions / in add user, reseller, client) so I decided to leave it that way.

    Could this be a new feature in next release?

    Thank you so much.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What exactly?
  5. naruto

    naruto New Member

    Hello Falko.

    The new feature i'm talking about is to restrict Ispconfig interface access and ftp not only on user password combination but also on website domain.
    I explained this better on my first post.

    Thanks once again.
  6. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    You say, to check the hostname to allow users to login or not? i dont know.. when some client domain isnt pointing to the webserver its usefull to login from the main address or with ip access.. users dont need to know everybody can login from another hostname, anyway the see the right content inside..
  7. naruto

    naruto New Member

    Hi fabicodam.

    It is not a critical issue. Just a little feature to make things better.

  8. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    I like this way.. my problem is with the redirection on port 81 to the main domain, but i like the way it is now..

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