User Space Limit

Discussion in 'General' started by markjames, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. markjames

    markjames New Member

    I guys, I've been using ispconfig for a while now but never had to post, however recently a change to fix a "bug" just dosent make sense to me.

    Till and Falco please change back the user space limit so that we can use -1. Setting up the user to the same max limit as the sight just dosent make sense. I've upgraded to 2.2.22 and have just had to increase the webspace for one of my hosted sites. They had 14 employees and I had to go into each one to change the user space again to match the site's new limit. If I have to do this everytime I upgrade a hosting package it will just become too much work. Why can't we just leave it as -1 and that automatically means the user max is the same as the sight?

    Thanks guys.. sorry to rant, I just don't see why that was considered a "bug" before. To me it just made the setups easier.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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