Hi forum, like others here we came across the problem creating users with prefix "[DOMAIN]_" when they belong to a domain starting with a number. We had two ideas to solve that: 1. "Dirty hack" Set the global prefix to "_[DOMAIN]_". As at least SuSE seems to allow usernames starting with underscore, this could work. I'd like to know if other distros do allow that to. Check it with "useradd _testuser". 2. "Smooth Hack" Change "isp_username.plugin.php" the following way: -> Check, if username does start with [0-9] - as it already does. -> Auto-prefix those usernames and only those usernames with an underscore then. E.g. "234domain.com_user" to "_234domain.com_user" As i'm not that deep in ISPConfig code maybe someone else can do a faster mod for "isp_username.plugin.php" Regards, jz