Username-creation with prefix [DOMAIN]_ and domains starting with numbers

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by julez, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. julez

    julez New Member

    Hi forum,

    like others here we came across the problem creating users with prefix "[DOMAIN]_" when they belong to a domain starting with a number. We had two ideas to solve that:

    1. "Dirty hack"

    Set the global prefix to "_[DOMAIN]_". As at least SuSE seems to allow usernames starting with underscore, this could work.

    I'd like to know if other distros do allow that to. Check it with "useradd _testuser".

    2. "Smooth Hack"

    Change "isp_username.plugin.php" the following way:
    -> Check, if username does start with [0-9] - as it already does.
    -> Auto-prefix those usernames and only those usernames with an underscore then. E.g. "234domain.com_user" to "_234domain.com_user"

    As i'm not that deep in ISPConfig code maybe someone else can do a faster mod for "isp_username.plugin.php"


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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