Username Suffix

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by koegies, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. koegies

    koegies New Member

    could it bepossible to choose between suffix and prefix.

    I understand the @ sign problem with linux system users .


    as suffix's would work nice

  2. Ovidiu

    Ovidiu Active Member

    I would second this...
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, that doesn't work.
  4. nformosa

    nformosa New Member

    Would it be a better idea if the username (visible to the user) would be stored in a table and mapped to a hashed usrename; ie nicky.formosa == 1569856 or something like that!

    Once the username is verified it will first check for the map then use that as the user!

    Don;t now if its plausible but i just tried my like with the idea :>

  5. wispman

    wispman New Member

  6. emailmike1994

    emailmike1994 New Member

    This would probably be a good idea too..
  7. emailmike1994

    emailmike1994 New Member

    I second the motion too

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