Using ISPConfig on an Intranet

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by stevetheb, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. stevetheb

    stevetheb New Member

    I'm trying to set up ISPconfig within a school to allow students to develop websites without having to sign up with a freeISP. I don't want their sites to be visible to the Internet as a whole.

    ISPconfig seems to be working OK, but I'm rather struggling in how to set it up on this Intranet basis. What should I use for host and domain names? and What about DNS?

    Can some kind soul point me in the right direction?

    Many thanks

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2005
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I think there are two possible solutions:

    1) Make IP-Based webs with private IP's. As far as i remember it should be possible in ISPConfig by leaving the host and domain field empty.

    2) Make your own domains with the ending ".shool" or something like that and run a DNS server that resolves these domains to your private IP adresses. To try things out you can modify the hosts file of your workstation.
  3. domino

    domino New Member

    If you workstations are locked inside the network, you can basically use any domain you like. You don't have to run a DNS service if you are running ISPC internally. But if you choose, you may :).

    For every Windows workstation you have, edit the HOSTS file with a text editor like notepad. The HOSTS file is found in: \windows\system32\drivers\etc\ and add the fallowing..

    <IP of linux server> <>

    So, each workstation knows that is at IP address It doesn't have to be connected to the internet. Of course the domain will have to change if you want to make it accessable to people outside of your network.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Since version 2.0.8 you have to specify a domain... :D

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